As I type this, I’m thinking to myself how far away IMFL really seems. It’s difficult for me to believe this race was just over a week ago. See, this is how the sport manipulates you. I remember feeling so much pain during the last 10K of that run. If I think back to try and remember details, I remember telling everyone in the days following IMFL that my legs had never hurt so bad before. I remember being asked by an 80 year old woman on the plane during my return trip if I needed help getting off the plane. She said I didn’t look so good. I can remember an extreme amount of chafing…chafing that turned into scabs a few days after the race. I remember feeling like I wanted to sleep a lot.

But all of that seems like an eternity ago. For the last few weeks as I prepared for IMFL, I remember thinking I couldn’t wait for it to be over so I could take some much needed time off. And here we are, just 10 days later and I’m trying to think of what I can do next. All that work that lasted for months and months doesn’t seem so bad (now that it’s over).

The Saint and I have been sick ever since we came back from FL. It has been over 5 years since I had a cold, but this one struck hard. The last several days, I haven’t even been able to talk. I started to believe I had strep throat and I was very close to heading into one of those walk-in care centers to get some antibiotics or something. Finally today, it’s starting to turn around for me and for the first time since IMFL, I was able to get into the pool and swim for a while. I’ve been advised to do nothing strenuous, nothing long, just get in and swim while remaining very relaxed. It felt good. Actually, it felt great.

I know my body is still recovering from the strain of Ironman and know not to push it. But I have to be thankful of the cold because THAT is what has forced me to stick to the plan. It’s tough to take the prescribed time off, but everyone will tell you it’s all for the best in the long run. And maybe that has been part of my problem. In the last 4 years, I don’t think I’ve EVER taken this much time off from training. It’s part of that type A, addictive personality that just pushes me out the door for each workout, whether it’s in my best interest or not.

In fact, I went to a 10K this weekend – just as a spectator – and it was just plain weird. I saw so many familiar faces and they were all in shock when I said I wasn’t racing, I was just there to watch. It was UNHEARD OF! “What do you mean, you’re NOT racing??!?!?” It was kinda funny. It did make me wish I was racing….well, sort of. Guess it’s just not like me to stand on the sidelines and just cheer everyone on. But, it was great! I saw so many friends run by, it was fun to cheer them on and the time flew by! I tell ya, being a spectator can be hard work!

So, I’d like to say I’m back to training, but it’s not really training. I’m doing stuff, but nothing “structured.” And as much as I’d like to hit a tough workout, I know that’s just not the right thing to do. I also know that if I wait long enough, it will be time to hit the hard workouts again soon. And I thought I’d never say this, but I miss running. I can’t wait to run again, even if it’s really, really slow….