During the winter, lots of gyms host indoor triathlons. The typical format is 60 minutes of racing: a 10-minute pool swim, 30-minute indoor bike and 20-minute treadmill run. It’s a great way to keep your confidence going through the off-season or a great way to compete in your first triathlon!

Many triathletes dread training indoors, but it’s great to not have to worry about the outdoor environment.  Plus, training indoors for an indoor triathlon is the best way to get used to the elements and equipment that you’ll be using for the race.4

Here’s how to get the most out of your indoor training for your indoor tri:


Swimming in a pool is probably familiar territory to you.  For most, many months of indoor swimming the pool can be monotonous.

  • Start slow and work your way up to a non-stop 10-minute swim.
  • Join a Masters swim program to help your form.
  • Practice your wet to dry transitions. Do everything you plan to do on race day.


Indoor biking ensures a precise workout without distractions like traffic and road construction. Here’s how to get the most out of your indoor spin:

  • Know your equipment. Test out the bikes that will be used in the indoor triathlon.
  • While training, change your position as much as possible avoid sitting in the same position.
  • Join a spin class. This will offer exciting intense workouts that will help you get motivated.


Many triathletes feel that treadmill running is boring and not effective. Running on a treadmill actually forces you to pay attention to how your body feels as you increase speed and/or elevation.  Here are some tricks to make it less boring:

  • Set your treadmill’s elevation to one degree. You may think this makes it more difficult, but it’s actually more natural which should allow you to run longer and harder.
  • Work on your form. You won’t have to worry about wind, cracks in the road and other unforeseen conditions, so you can concentrate on your stride. Go ahead and stare at that mirror – you’ll be helping yourself out.

Once you’re comfortable with all the equipment and elements of the indoor tri – complete back-to-back workouts to help you prepare for race day. If you need help training for an indoor triathlon, contact me and I’ll help you be on your way.

Train Right, Tri Right!
Coach MJ