Happy New Year! As you begin setting your racing goals and agendas, it’s the perfect time to get out your calendar and make a plan for your racing season.

Take the time now and be proactive – before training season begins! Not only to look back on your racing season to make changes to this coming year’s season, but also because many races fill up early.

Here are some tips to help you create a well-designed plan to accomplish all of your goals:

Determine Your Goals for 2017
What’s going to motivate you to get you through this upcoming season? Maybe there is that one race that you just haven’t been able to accomplish yet – is this the year?

Whatever your goals are, determine them early. By determining your goals early, they will help keep you focused throughout the year. That doesn’t mean you can’t participate in other races – the other races will just help you train for the “big ones”.

“ABC” Races
Select one or two “A” races. These are your big races…the ones you direct your training efforts towards and the ones you determined in your goals. Sign up for these races, pay for them and put them in pen on your calendar. Make sure they are at least 10 or 12 weeks apart and they do not interfere with major work or family commitments.

Add in two or three “B” races, which can be shorter, less expensive and closer to home. They are excellent warm up races for “A” events.

Do as many “C” races as you’d like, as they can be done instead of a workout. These races can vary in style and can include a single sport event. Perhaps you want to enter races to work on your weakness and use that “C” event as an extra training for that leg.

Always Leave Room for Recovery
Runners always go through a physical and mental depression at the end of a race. Be sure to allow yourself time for recovery. Schedule it – just like you schedule your training – schedule your recovery.

Everyone’s post-race recovery needs are different, so do what’s right for you. Perhaps it’s a vacation, a stay-cation, or just time to sleep late and go for long walks or slow jogs. Just schedule the time to give your mind and body time to recover without instead of intense training.

If you have already started planning for 2017 race season congrats! If you need help setting or completing your goals, contact me today to learn more about how I can help you with your triathlon training.